Megan M. Cunningham

Junior Software Developer



Megan's background is in business dentistry; she spent a year at Draughon's Jr. College where she learned dental assisting and a year at Motlow Community College with a focus on Entreprenuer/Business Administration. She worked as a business assistant for Heartland Dental/Cane Ridge Dentist in Antioch, TN until her admission to Nashville Software School in April. Although she loves the dental field, her eyes are set on a career with a high ceiling for growth and learning.

Megan is also an avid reader and gym goer who is passionate about English and fitness. In her spare time she trains as a women's figure body builder and is nationally qualified with the NPC.

In September she graduated from NSS with Cohort-9 and is eager to contribute and sharpen her full-stack development skills amongst the synergy of a great team.

Development Skills

    Front End
  • Experienced writing SPA and CRUD apps using Javascript and jQuery
  • Experienced with Bootstrap and AngularJS frameworks, as well as hybrid mobile development in Ionic
  • Proficient with HTML/CSS; familiar writing with Jade/Sass
  • Knowledgeable with both Grunt and Gulp
    Back End
  • Uses the MEAN stack with Javascript (MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node)
  • Executes test-driven development with Mocha/Chai, TravisCI
  • Has utilized web deployment services via Github, Heroku, and AWS
  • Fluent usage of Npm and Git in the command line
  • Practiced in working on projects independently and as a team
  • Currently learning Python